Sunday, December 30, 2012

Featured on RISD Portfolios

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful break from school or work.

I'm just writing to share that my project "Brava, Francesca" has been featured today on RISD Portfolios. Check it out at!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Final Projects

Nearing the end of finals week and with only one more critique to go, I figured I'd share my final projects!

Rather than re-upload all the images, may I direct you to Behance:

Picture Book "Brava, Francesca"

Children's Book Illustration

Letterpress printing

After finals are over, I'm so excited to be seeing the midnight release of The Hobbit, and going home for the holidays. It's been a great semester!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


First semester of senior year is more than half way over, and that is awesome and terrifying all at once. I admit to not blogging at all since I ended my travel blog from Rome, and that's not cool of me (sorry).

But here's what's been happening since then! This past summer, I interned in the art department of a small indie film called "Malorie's Final Score", and I'll be sure to properly spam it after its release sometime in 2013. And I'm thoroughly enjoying all of my classes now. It feels like I finally have a semester where each class really means something. Picture & Word has been my priority - this class is all about learning how to write and illustrate children's books. And creating children's books is HARD! There's so much more that goes into it than you think, especially when you're both the writer and illustrator. We have the rest of the semester to fully develop one story, and here's a little glimpse of what my desk looks like because of it -

ha! Still in process mode, but it's all coming together slowly. I'm also taking a creature design class, and letterpress printing! It's a strange feeling being a senior in college. It's like I have an infinite amount of time, but no time at all. (How very philosophical.)